Why You Should Eat Blueberries to preclude Aging
The population of the United States is an aging one. More than 30% Americans will be over 65 by 2050, according to projections by population experts. This means a great whole of population will experience features common to aging such as decreased cognitive and motor functions. Jim Joseph, the Director of the Neuroscience Laboratory at the Usda Human nutrition research Centre (Hnrc), has been conducting tests into how features common to aging can be reduced or mitigated through the eating of blueberries by humans. His first corollary shows that eating blueberries can prevent sure effects of aging. Other experts have come to the same windup after tests into the issue. Here are some of the reasons why you should eat blueberries to prevent aging.
Why You Should Eat Blueberries to preclude Aging

Why You Should Eat Blueberries to preclude Aging
Why You Should Eat Blueberries to preclude Aging
Why You Should Eat Blueberries to preclude Aging
Antioxidant performance Of Blueberries
Antioxidants are believed to help the body to shield humans against chronic illnesses which occur as the body ages. They are also connected with the safety of humans against the damage which free radicals can cause in the body system. However, blueberries comprise many antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E. Researchers say 14 mg of Vitamin C and 0.8 mg of Vitamin E per cup of blueberries are contained in the berry. The implication of this is that like many fresh fruits blueberries may help to prevent aging performance in people.
Compounds Act as Antioxidants
Anthocyanins and phenolics are compounds which also act as antioxidants. However, blueberries also comprise these eleMents within its structure. The four antioxidants which are contained in the berry makes it to be considered as having more antioxidant performance than many other fruits and vegetables, which comprise the compounds.
ExperiMents on Rats
Joseph fed blueberry extractions to rats and ran the latter through a series of motor skill tests. The blueberry-fed mice had best motor behavioral studying skills and memory than their operate group counterpart. On suppleMentary examination, it was found that the blueberry-fed mice had a marked decrease in oxidative stress in two regions of the brain. The blueberry-fed mice also out-performed those in the operate group in tests to decree rats with best keeping neurons.
ExperiMents On Humans
Joseph and other researchers are presently engaged on tests on the corollary of eating blueberries on humans. Those who eat a cup of blueberries a day have been found through first results to out-perform the operate group on motor skills test. Those who eat blueberries performed best than those who do not by 5 to 6%.
Blueberries have been discovered by researchers at Rutgers University, New York to comprise compounds called proanthocyanidins. This aggregate is belief to promote urinary tract health as well as to reduce the risk of infections, problems regularly connected with the aging process. The aggregate protects aging population from the qoute by preventing bacteria from lining the walls of the urinary tract.
Blueberries And Nutrition
Apart from antioxidants, blueberries also comprise substances such as carotenoids, ellagic acid, fructose, fiber, flavonoids and other minerals. These compounds have been known over the years to prevent or slow down the aging process.
Conclusively, take at least a cup of blueberries everyday. You'll peruse the health benefits of the plant, as well as perform a slow down in the aging process.
Why You Should Eat Blueberries to preclude Aging
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