Lipton Green Tea Bags, Superfruit Purple Acai with Blueberry, 20-Count, Boxes (Pack of 6)

Lipton Green Tea Bags, Superfruit Purple Acai with Blueberry, 20-Count, Boxes (Pack of 6)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes - Chocolate and Cholesterol!

Type 2 Diabetes - Chocolate and Cholesterol!

Finally there is good news for chocolate-loving Type 2 diabetics. Eating chocolate with high polyphenol article might help preclude heart attacks! The results of a study designed to contemplate the sway of chocolate consumption on cholesterol, inflammation, weight and blood sugar control in diabetics will be published in November, 2010 in the journal Diabetes Medicine.

Researchers at the University of Hull in the United Kingdom enrolled 12 Type 2 diabetics into the study. The volunteers were randomly assigned to receive 45 grams of chocolate either with or without polyphenols. After 16 weeks, Type 2 diabetics intriguing chocolate with polyphenols showed:

  • an increase in high-density lipoproteins
  • the good cholesterol, and
  • a decrease in total cholesterol, meaning that low-density cholesterol, or Ldl, was decreased

Weight, C-reactive protein (associated with inflammation), and blood sugar control stayed the same in these Type 2 diabetics. The volunteers who ate chocolate without polyphenols remained the same also. The researchers then accomplished that weight, inflammation, and blood sugar were unaffected by the high-polyphenol chocolate, but cholesterol was lowered.

According to the Hershey's people, chocolate, and specifically, the cocoa, or non-fat quantum of chocolate, is high in the same anti-oxidants found in many fruits, vegetables, tea and wine. This is not surprising when you comprehend that it comes from a plant. The anti-oxidants are the polyphenols Mentioned in the study above. While intriguing unlimited amounts of chocolate products, especially those high in added fats and sugar, is clearly not salutary chocolate or cocoa can help the body to fix itself and heal the damage from molecules called free radicals.

The National found of condition in Washington Dc, United States, defines a free radical as a molecule or ion with a free electron, which makes it very reactive and capable of stealing electrons from other molecules. Most free radicals contain at least one atom of oxygen.They are implicated in tissue damage callused by radiation, environMental chemicals and aging. Anti-oxidants such as polyphenols receive the extra oxygen with its extra electron, preventing the free radical from doing damage to the body's other molecules.

When buying chocolate products, check the label for the polyphenol content. Again, according to

  • dark chocolate has a slightly higher antioxidant article than blueberries
  • cocoa has slightly less anti-oxidant article than blueberries but rates higher than pecans, cranberries, cherries, walnuts, raspberries and prunes
  • milk chocolate ranks lower than those Foods already mentioned, but is still higher in anti-oxidants than red grapes, almonds and raisins

Discuss with your physician or nutritionist how to make a moderate consumption of chocolate or cocoa a part of a salutary diet that will help to keep bad cholesterol levels down.

Monday, October 17, 2011

keeping Young Eating Anti-Aging Blueberries

keeping Young Eating Anti-Aging Blueberries

One of my families beloved summer camping memories dates to when we found our tents pitched next to a small blueberry patch. Not only was the patch small so were the blueberries, but not their taste. Sumptuous may be the best term to divulge the flavor of the wild blueberry pancakes we all wolfed down with glee.

The taste and fun of eating our own wild picked berries was memorable, and wee did we realize then that we were giving our bodies as well as our taste buds a treat.

Blueberries, it turns out, are one of the healthiest Foods you can eat. They are packed with a wide range of micro-nutrients that not only safe the body from disease, but are also believed to posses anti-aging abilities.

High Antioxidant Value

Blueberries along with plums and strawberries have the top total anti-oxidant properties of any Food. They have been called super fruits. Their anti oxidant properties help neutralize free radicals that are created by the bodies own natural processes as well as fight those absorbed by the body as toxins from the environMent colse to us.

While most of this work is done invisibly at the molecular level within each of the billions of cells that make up your body, the net results appears to be one of increased longevity of cells and the organs they make up. The net result is a healthier body, and a less run down one. In other words, they help you look, feel and stay younger than you might otherwise.

Blueberries include 14 mg or Vitamin C and 0.8 mg Vitamin E per 1 cup of blueberries. These vitamins are vital to your bodies war against free radicals. But blueberries also include lesser known anti-oxidants such as anthocyanins and phenolics.

Neuron Protection

The blend anthocyanin is understanding to slow down age-related loss in Mental capacity of the brain in humans. Population who tend to eat more blueberries are understanding to have great functioning motor behavior learning and memory.

Anthocyanin is the component that gives blueberries their color and are understanding to be the key factor of the blueberry's breathtaking antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Tests with rats by Tufts University researcher, James Joseph showed vital definite effects to equilibrium and coordination for test groups that were feed a blueberry rich diet. A similar group feed a strawberry enhanced diet also did well, however the blueberry diet did the best.

Dr. Joseph believes the benefits stem from yet another set of micro nutrients called flavonoids, a phytochemical that seems to have vital impact on cell membranes.

These studies advise that blueberries and similar Foods may be useful to those suffering poor equilibrium and coordination linked to aging.

Prevention of Disease

A serving of blueberries provides a relatively low glycemic load while providing a diverse range of nutrients.

This also means there are fewer calories (good news for calorie-Watchers) in a serving full of phytochemicals and nutrients such as iron, vitamins C and E. Because of the phytochemicals present, the risk of developing a variety of degenerative diseases may also be prevented.

Specifically, the Anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, flavonols, and tannins found in blueberries may help prevent cancer by inhibiting some cancer mechanisms. These components safe the Dna in each of your cells from damage and/or the disintegration caused by free radicals.

At a discussion on berry condition benefits, a variety of reports advise that eating blueberries and other similar fruits like cranberries may heighten the cognitive deterioration occurring in Alzheimer's disease and other conditions of aging. It is also believed that Blueberries may help lower the damages of stroke.

Researches have also shown that blueberries may help prevent urinary tract infections (Uti), hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia which can lead to potentially fatal heart disease.

While these benefits of blueberries focus on diseases and getting old, the value of blueberries is literally in their capability to help us stay young.

Now one cannot live on blueberries alone, but if you are seeing for a "favorite food" to add to your personal "Staying Young" strategy it would do you well to think recovery room for this breathtaking wee super fruit, the Blueberry.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Blueberries - The Super Food

Blueberries - The Super Food

Blueberries are called a Super Food because they are stock full of antioxidants, phytonutrients ("nutrient from a plant"), polyphenols and anthocyanins. These are big words - but most importantly - they mean that blueberries can do qualified things for your body as well as your brain.

Blueberries are a low glycemic fruit - which means that when you eat blueberries you don't get a quick spike in your blood sugar. Low glycemic Foods help with weight operate and diabetes and can genuinely lower glucose levels. either on a low carbohydrate diet or not, we all need to eat some carbs in order to live - our brains need carbs for energy. Blueberries fit in perfectly with a low carb diet because they are low glycemic. The glycemic index of a carbohydrate shows how swiftly its consumption increases blood sugar levels. Values range from 1 (the slowest) to 100 (the Fastest, the index of pure glucose). Fructose, (the sugar in fruits) has limited supervene on blood sugar.

You've probably noticed that blueberries are richly colored - a deep dark blue. explore studies have shown that fruits and vegetables with the darkest colors are regularly the best for you. This means their skins have those super nutrients with the big names.

Blueberries cut oxidative stress and some explore has recomMend blueberries can help prevent the sagging skin and bags as we age. Reducing oxidative stress as we age can also help heighten thinking behavior, along with the kind seen in senility. Oxidative stress has been shown to be related to aging, cancer and Alzheimer's. Blueberries have been shown in studies to heighten cognitive performance, and some studies have shown a connection with improveMents in Alzheimer's Disease, although these are inconclusive and need added study. Studies have shown that blueberry juice can growth verbal memory doing in those with mild cognitive (memory) impAirMent and motor function.

Blueberries also growth neuronal communication in the brain. Dementia is an addition problem in the Us and blueberries have been shown to heighten memory in the older adult which includes word list recall and improved pAir connect learning. Blueberries also helps the brain neurons from degenerating.

Rat studies have shown (in age equivalent of 70 in humans ) an improvement in equilibrium and co-ordination. This could help older Americans with the hazardous problem of falling.

The foods we eat work on our biological age - the way we look and feel. So eat your blueberries. Some people eat blueberries raw with nothing on them. My popular ways of eating blueberries are: About 1/2 cup of blueberries (washed first with fruit/veggie wash & rinsed) is about 40 calories, then sprinkle a packet of Splenda or other sweetener on top and 2 tablespoons of whipped cream. The whipped cream (Original Reddi Wip) only adds total fat of 1 gram, and less than 1 gram of carbohydrate. You could use any kind of whipped cream, just take a look at the fat and carbohydrate article first. another delicious way is 1/2 cup of washed and rinsed blueberries, add slices of bananas to taste, 1 packet of synthetic sweetener and the whipped cream. You could also mix some raw blueberries into vanilla yogurt - adding more remedial benefits to the yogurt. These are delicious, wholesome snacks, and also have the advanTAGe of fiber.