
Blueberries have the highest number of antioxidants of any fruit grown in America. They have 12 times as many antioxidants as apples, pears, or bananas. This may expound why some claim that eating them on a daily basis reverses both brain and body aging. Icy blueberries packaged at their peak of ripeness comprise as much anti-aging power as fresh ones.
Blue Berries
Antioxidants keep neutralize the free radicals that are formed in your body keep them from adversely affecting your health. Free radicals split up molecules and can increase the likelihood of some cancers. Thus, a diet loaded with antioxidants such as blueberries can have spectacular condition benefits.
Grow your own organic blueberries
Your best choice is to grow your own so you can pick them at the pick of ripeness for fresh eating or for freezing. Growing your own provides you with the opportunity to choose blueberry plants with the highest antioxidant levels. Buy you pesticide free plants from a reputable nursery and grow your own organic blueberries.
Selecting a variety
Research shows that wild (lowbush) blueberries have higher antioxidant level than cultivated (highbush) varieties.
There is a strong connection between blueberry size and its antioxidant level. This correlation between Lowbush blueberries that tend to be smaller in size and have higher antioxidant levels than larger sized highbush blueberries.
Choose wild blueberries and blueberries that are small in size to get maximum antioxidant levels. Commercially offered wild blueberries with high antioxidant levels usually come from species that simply occur only in eastern and north-central North America.
Rubel is an example of a wild blueberry that was discovered in New Jersey in 1911 with antioxidant levels much higher than most blueberries and is commercially available. Rubel is a good producer of good tasting blueberries. The typically height of Rubel at maturity is 6 feet. Rubel does not require someone else plant as a pollinator as it is self pollinating.
North Sky, is someone else example of a collection with high antioxidant capacity. Lowbush berries comprise more antioxidants than the highbush berries.
Top Hat is someone else blueberry plant that produces blueberries with higher than midpoint antioxidant levels. Top Hat is a popular plant for growing in containers.
Friendship is someone else wild blueberry plant that is popular and has. Friendship is truly a wild blueberry plant. It was premium from a wild blueberries near Friendship,Wisconsin. At the time breeders were finding for high quality wild stock for enhancing the genetics of lowbush cultivars. Its flavor is sweet and aromatic comparable to the wild blueberries.
North Country Flavor is sweet to mild, typical to wild lowbush berries, with attractive sky-blue berries.
Ornablue Blooms profusely, It has dark blue blueberry fruit are and it is very high yielding.
Ruby Carpet Height of plants grow 4 to 6 inches high at maturity and spread outward to generate the Red Carpet. They are typical of the wild blueberries and have sweet flavors with no acid.
All blueberries are relatively high in antioxidants levels, therefore if you do not find wild blueberries just use those that are available.
You can enjoy blueberries in many dissimilar forms
You can eat them fresh.
You can make blueberry jam or other products.
You can make blueberry pancakes.
You can make blueberry muffins.
You can make blueberry shakes.
You can make blueberry salad.